Siaw Ping
This morning i forgot to bring my spiritual book to office, thus start off my Wednesday with a English post.

As you all know, i am currently working in Yokogawa. It is truly a great working environment for a marvellous start. I can mingle around with my colleagues and we enjoy our work a lot. Although sometime workload is a bit heavy till we have to stay back for a few hours, we do not feel the burden of OT-ing.

Things have gone on so fairy story-like till......

I received a call from MLNG Petronas last week. I was asked to fill in the online job application form as well as to sit for two Ability Tests within two days. It was MLNG HR Manager who called me up. I told her that I have just received my very 1st confirmation letter. She asked me to give it a try before saying ‘No’ to anything.

I spent the whole morning sending, filling all sort of forms. There were 2 tests, one is comprehension-type of questions and another one is analysis-type of questions. They look easy but time allocation was super short. I can’t really remember the exact time, kind of ½ minute for a question with a short passage.

I didn’t put high hope as I don’t think that I will be awarded for this job. I just try whatever tasks assigned to me. It was surprisingly that I received another call from HR manager yesterday. This time I was asked to attend an interview this coming Friday. I have been praying to know which path GOD is leading me to. Of course, MLNG pay is very tempting, guess almost double of my salary now. However, I don’t have the urge to take up this job. The call ensured me that I will secure a place in MLNG if I really go for it.

Guess what? I am sure many of us will “wah” if manage to enter MLNG. To make you disappointed, I welcomed the call with a gentle “SORRY”. I was a bit miserable yesterday, especially during lunch time. I told my colleagues and also my manager about this. You really can’t imagine how brave an employee voiced out such things to colleagues. We do share lots of things, that's the very sweet part of memory here. They said that I might give it a try.

My manager seemed to be a bit worry of my emotion. In the afternoon, he did talk to me regarding this. If I was to shift to that MLNG, he had no objection and will also approve my leave if I would like to go for the interview. He is considerate and I guess he knows my circumstances as a fresh graduate. Petronas is a company whereby there are millions and millions of engineers who strive very hard to go in. The golden opportunity is in my hand and I just turned it down.

I told General Chion about this matter. I think you all know about him and yes, he listed down a series of reasons why I should go for Petronas. Hehe. I was quite firmed of my decision until Chion’s list came into my mind. He is a very calculative guy especially in job search. He knows the best for himself. But I think I need to follow what GOD has prepared for me. I hope the path I choose is heading towards the right direction, prayerfully it is.

Prince Lychee encouraged me to go for it, saying that it might be another option that GOD is giving me. Finally, I am still here, in Puchong, not choosing Petronas. He said we give us a period of time and observe how GOD lead both of us. Prince Lychee will work at VOLVO starting from next month, not certain whether this change is according to GOD’s will or not.

Anyway, I still need to move forward with courage. Very thankful I have JESUS in my heart. Not knowing what is ahead of me, but I am certained that GOD's right hand is holding me tightly.

A breathtaking scenery type of path?

Or a cool and dull path?

The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze, and your strength will equal your days.
Deuteronomy 33:25


1 Response
  1. Joy Easily Says:

    xiao ping, u really brave le...really a golden job in ur hand. but i know God have plan another better path for u.... :) jia you in ur future... and really thank God that your colleague is so nice that willing to share and talk with :)