Please read 1 Corinthians 3:5 before proceed.
One prophet fainted and lied on bed for days. When he woke up, he saw one brother sitting beside him. The brother said that he didn’t leave ever since the prophet fainted. The prophet asked the reason why he was doing so. The brother said that the prophet was the light of his life. The prophet sighed because the brother looked up at him as the role model instead of GOD. His life does not shine out the light of Christ.
One prophet fainted and lied on bed for days. When he woke up, he saw one brother sitting beside him. The brother said that he didn’t leave ever since the prophet fainted. The prophet asked the reason why he was doing so. The brother said that the prophet was the light of his life. The prophet sighed because the brother looked up at him as the role model instead of GOD. His life does not shine out the light of Christ.
No matter how attractive my life is, or how wonderful GOD has blessed me, I am just a mirror that reflects GOD’s glory. The main purpose is to draw people near to GOD and not towards me.
I may be astonished at GOD’s doing in somebody’s life. I just realised that he/she is a mirror. Reflection of mirror can brighten up the surrounding, but mirror itself does not emit light. Yupe, I want to follow GOD, not mirror. If we become the follower of mirror, once the mirror is broken, our belief is varnished together with the broken pieces.